1). All performances must be Christmas or Patriotic Music
2.) Accompaniment:
Artist may use professional accompaniment tracks
Your CD accompaniment needs to be clearly labeled with your name and song title.
3.) The performance may not exceed four minutes in length.
4.) CCGMA Panel of Judges have sole decision-making rights.
5.) Deadline for Entries is October 1, 2019.
6.) Winners will be announced on October 10, 2019
7.) Winners are responsible for travel and accommodations.
8.) All entries received are non-returnable.
9.) All Entries will be in the form of professional CD recording or MP3 digitals.
10.) MP3 digital entries can be emailed to or CD mailed to
198 North 4th Street Ste Genevieve, MO 63670
Attention: CCGMA Contest
11.) Entry Fee is $125.00 per entry. Payment can be submitted via check or Credit Card
Make Checks Payable to: Cardinal Country & Gospel Music Association
Submit Credit Card Payments @ at Membership/Sponsor page and
Pay via Donate option
12.) Two winners will be chosen.
13.) Prizes:
Perform in Pre-show
Meet & Greet with Irlene Mandrell
2 Tickets in Artist Circle
Picture with Irlene Mandrell
An Autographed copy of Irlene Mandrell’s Book
“God Reigns Miracles”